Aussie Bites!
Aussie Bites!
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The Indian Pacific, Final Chapter (MIA Office Head Fujimoto Koichiro)
We took an Uber from Adelaide Station to our hotel in the city center, and took a walk around the city at night. After having walked a fair while, we found ourselves at Central Station, the en-trance of which is, in fact, a casino. From younger adults to older married couples, everyone was enjoying themselves. I immediately bought in for a few games. While it was interesting, I didn't make any money; my son who came with me, however, managed to make a few hundred dollars.
As the night drew close, we got into a car that gave us a tour of the city. Adelaide is a relatively new city struc-tured akin to a board of Go (grid-like in nature), with straight and wide roads once used for F1 races. We drove around the city for about 30 minutes, before heading to a forest where Koalas could be found. We were told that ‘There's a lot of Eucalyptus here, so ex-pect a strong smell'; as we exited the car, that smell left us speechless.
The following day, we went to a German-style town called Hahndorf. With lots of people coming and going, innumerous shops, and guitar being played on the street side, we enjoyed our trip through the town.
In order to make our return to Sydney, we went to Ade-laide Airport; while we intended to make our way fur-ther inside, we were informed that only passengers whose flights were departing soon were allowed in. Even so, there wasn't really anywhere to stop for a bite to eat outside. After negotiating with the staff, we were allowed inside. Following our meal, we decided we would wait by our departure gate. As our time to depart approached, we thought it strange that there had yet to be any announcements, and that our flight wasn't listed near the gate. After inquiring about our flight, the nearby staff told us that our gate had been changed. In a bit of a panic, we made our way to the new gate where passengers were already boarding. Flustered, we boarded ourselves. Shortly after heading out to the run-way, our plane came to a sudden stop, and a number of other planes passed us by. After around 30 minutes, we finally took off, whereupon the battering of rain made for a bumpy ride all the way to Sydney. After ar-riving, the pilot made an announcement, and I asked Dalin what they were saying. “When we were taking off, we were left waiting due to a power failure in the plane that caused a full reset, but it didn't make us that late”, was apparently the gist of it. I'm glad I heard that after landing, and not before. With that, my three day trip from Sydney to Adelaide on the Indian Pacific came to a close. I think next time, I'd like to try the three day ride from Sydney all the way to Perth. I'd like to learn a little more English so that I could enjoy the trip even more, I don't think there's much that can be done at this stage.