Aussie Bites!
Aussie Bites!
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An Unforgettable Beach Wedding & Australia Tour (MIA Member Ruriko Kodama)
Via South Korea, I arrive in Sydney. In Japan, it is late autumn. My destination and goal is to attend my first ever beach wedding.
On the day I arrived in Sydney, as a treat to myself, I boarded a dinner cruise. The scenery at sunset, the night time view of Sydney from the boat, along with live music and delicious food… As if I was in a dream, all of my stress from travelling suddenly drifted away.
The following day, I took a taxi to the beach where the wedding would take place. We went barefoot from the building where the reception took place to the beach-side. From the bridesmaids to the style of the wedding, I was seeing it all for the first time in my life; it was like a scene from a movie. Thank you for inviting me to your wedding Tim!
From the next day onwards, since I was already in Aus-tralia, I decided to make the most of my time and went sightseeing.
I joined a winery tour, and happened upon a website for “Jack's Japanese Tours”, and so I asked to be taken to the Blue Mountains, King's Table, and the zoo. As it turned out, this Australian running the tour previously worked as an ALT in Miyazaki Prefecture! I suddenly went from being in a foreign nation to home, and both the scenery and the conversations we had have be-come wonderful memories. The night before I left Syd-ney, I was invited to a party at Tim's home; everyone was still revelling in the afterglow of the wedding from just a few short days ago. In their garden, there was a large George Foreman grill that had been gifted to Tim, which his father made full use of in preparing our meat for the occasion. The smiles on the faces of all the peo-ple gathered there, the pleasant conversation, the hos-pitality of the hosts, it was all fantastic! It all left such a deep impression, there was no way I could avoid being enraptured by it all. These are all such treasured memories for me.
I love Australia!